frictionless Security.

Transforming info-security risk for business growth.

Our Comprehensive Offerings

for Startup Growth companies

We are an Information Security Consulting company focused on Startup Growth Companies.

We ensure Minimum Viable Security at every stage of their growth.

And automate the security stance.

Using our Information Security Hardening Framework© for the Growth Companies,

We have mapped our offerings on a typical start-up growth cycle.

It is step-by-step guidance to help growing companies make

information Security and Privacy a part of

 their business DNA, not an after-thought or a surprise.

Using our Information Security Hardening Framework© for Growth Companies, 

We have mapped our offerings on a typical start-up life cycle.

 It is a step-by-step guidance to help growing companies make information security and privacy 

a part of their business DNA, not an after-thought or a surprise.

for Startups

Beginning the journey

Professional Advice

Security by Design


for companies Selling their products

Due Diligence Services

Contract and SLA Assistance Services

Oversight Assistance Services

Risk Assessment Services 

for Growth Companies

Hardening their Security  



Sustained  Security 

Professional Advice                                      Discovery and Validation Stage

At the time you are Discovering and Validating your ideas
you may want to start introducing a Info-Security mindset into the company. 

Our orientation programs are short interactive sessions designed for your core team and initial hires. 

Lay the foundation for Information Security in your organization with these interactive sessions.
. Building Security Culture
. Making Security a Unique selling Proposition

Security by Design                                                 When you are building your Product

Lack of adequate information security and data privacy is a primary concern of business today. At the same time, information security has been considered an essential evil or a cost to pay in today’s insecure world. 

Often, it is an after-thought, “Of course we want to have security.”

The Product Development stage is the right time to bring in security in your operations. Missing this step may prove to be extremely costly when you hit the road to acquire your customers.

Security by Design brings into focus information security and privacy as a design consideration in every endeavor of the company, be it business processes, product design and construction, deployment on the cloud, product in use either on the web or mobile devices, customer-facing functions and support, etc.

VQ- TPRM                                                                                       When you want to acquire marque customers

When you want to acquire marque customers

They want to qualify you using their Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) process.

That can significantly

slow down your sales cycle

We have configured a set of services under the umbrella of VQ-TPRM (Vendor Qualification in TPRM). Many of our customers who are selling their products or services have used our services to retain and expand their footprint with their customers.

Security Hardening         Comprehensive & Sustained Security Hardening and Trustworthiness

Earlier in your growth stages, your emphasis was on finding, designing, and implementing point solutions for information security. 

Now is the time to think comprehensively. You need a risk-based information security plan that hardens your security and enhances and sustains the trust of your prospects, customers, and business partners. 

Our Security Hardening offering provides risk-based information security for the Startup Growth and Mature companies using Frictionless Security Hardening Framework for Growth Companies ©.

This set of services institutionalize and maintain your security posture in relation to your industry and specific business needs. We can do a part or the whole set for you.

What We do

What you get


Building Security Plan and Road Map

  • Risk Assessment
  • Set Up an automated Security Governance, Risk and Compliance Program
  • Automate Compliances - ISO, SOC2, PCI, etc 

Automated and Operational Security Governance, Risk and Compliance program 

Designed for continued maturity

Differentiated Position, high savings due to automation

  • Improved sales
  • Scalability
  • Reusability in compliances
  • Security as part of the brand promise
  • Top-notch customer confidence in the brand
  • Continuous reputations risks mitigation
  • Continuous legal exposure mitigation

SOC2 First Time Automation.                   

                  SOC2  Maintenance And Continuous Audit

          fS Expertise  +  Automation Tool + Market Requirement     

          Rapid and  Optimal SOC2

fS Announces



Tugboat Logic is now our preferred SOC2 Compliance Automation partner

                                             Read More

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