frictionless Security.

Transforming info-security risk for business growth.

Our Point of View

Our Point Of View.

​​​The Challenge

Lack of adequate information security and data privacy is a primary concern of businesses today. At the same time, information security has been considered an essential evil or a cost to pay in today's insecure world. 

Often, it is an after-thought, "Of course we want to have security."

Some consider it an operational issue; others think it as another technical detail. Not always, information security is a critical business consideration. Sales team has to answer security questions and fill up security questionnaire in a convincing manner to be able to even participate in the RFP's.

Our belief

At Frictionless Security we believe that information security should not be viewed from a cost-centric optic but a value-centric optic. It should be used as a unique selling proposition (USP) and not just a demonstration of compliance or a standard.

​Solution - Security Hardening by Design

We have a Security Hardening Framework© for Growth Companies that maps our security offerings on a typical company  life cycle. It is step-by-step guidance that helps Growth Companies in building data security and privacy as a part of the overall business consideration and not as an after-thought or a surprise.
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